Market day in Goro, Ethiopia where women bring grain to sell and farmers bring cattle and other livestock. The cattle market is very busy with sellers and buyers mingling side by side with the animals.
The grain may be ground into flower or may be used as seed for the next season's crop. They pour the grain to show it off and to further winnow and clean it to make it more valuable. Some were selling corn and chickpeas, but many were selling the typically Ethiopian grain called teff.
Some choose to sell their grain directly to a broker or middleman rather that sit all afternoon in the hot sun. They can be seen with their bags of grain on a scale, waiting anxiously to see what price they will get for it.
Contact: Woudyalew Mulatu
ILRI Ethiopia
Mobile: +251 911 40 91 89
PO Box 5689
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contact: Shirley Tarawali
Theme Director - People, Livestock, and the Evironment
ILRI Ethiopia
Tel: +251 11 617 2221
Tel: +251 91 164 5738
PO Box 5689
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia