Local wheat varieties in test plants at the Ejere Farming Community Seed Bank in Ejere, Ethiopia. It was built by Ethio Organic Seed Action to help farmers regain traditional local varieties of grain that are better adapted to their location. Seed bank members donate seeds and in turn get seeds from the seed bank. Regassa Feyissa with EOSA is one of the founders and promoters of the seed bank and helps the local farmers.
The big variety of wheat varieties are important to maintaining biodiversity in the crop and because of how different varieties respond to varying climate and weather patterns from year to year.
Farmers seen in the seed bank with Regassa include Taddesse Retta, chair of the Farmer Conservator Association and Eshetu Badada, the treasurer.
Contact: Regassa Feyissa
Ethio Organic Seed Action (EOSA)
Tel: +251 11 5 50 22 88
Mobile: +251 911 24 83 40
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia