Harvesting and stack oats on the farm of Melaku Yifku in the Seriti Village of the Chacha district north of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Workers are cutting the oats by hand with sickles, and pile them behind them as they move up the field, singing as they go. Then the bundles are hauled to the stacks where a man on top arranges them so that the grain heads are to the inside of the stack so they will dry and be protected from rain before being threshed. The man on the top of the stack is Nigussu Kissaye.
Horses are grazing on the new cropped oat ground, foraging for leftover grain and straw.
In the distant valley are other villages in their typical hilltop positions.
Contact: Genene Gezu
Program Coordinator
Ethio-Organic Seed Action (EOSA)
Tel: +251 11 550 22 88
Mobile: +251 91 1 79 56 22
PO Box 5512
Addis Aababa, Ethiopia