Potato Harvest in Peru
Potato Harvest in the high Andes of Peru withSeñora Fausta "Uva" Callupe.
At Bellavista - Macacha
Kaydee and Micaela Chavez.
Harvesting potatoes and huuchuy.
Plans on keeping ten bags for family consumption. Got 17 bags from that field, then 10 from another, unknown bags from another. And 15 bags total from two lower fields.
Uses chicken and sheep manure (sheep preferred) and also NPK.
Harvesting 60 to 70 varieties from these fields.
Maria Elena Lanatta
Communication & Public Awareness Department
International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 1558, Lima 12, Perú
T.: 51-1-317-5334 o 51-1-349-6017, anexo 3010
F.: 51-1-317-5348
E.: m.lanatta@cgiar.org